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Showing posts from May, 2023

Juan Bautista

  The Corrido of Juan Bautista de Anza   Listen, my friends To this wonderful  Necessary story  Of spiritual glory   Of a brave and prayerful  captain Who led a group of pioneers To settle in Alta California   His name was Juan Bautista de Anza He was born in Sonora, Mexico.   He had a love  Of this lovely happy land Where his people might live and grow.   He gathered two hundred colonists From different backgrounds and regions He also had sixty-five soldiers And a thousand head of cattle and sheep   They left their homes in January Of the year seventeen seventy-five They crossed the harsh desert and mystical mountains Facing many dangers, many hardships.   They followed the trail of the missions That were founded by Father Serra They passed through Arizona and Baja And reached the pristinely  Flowing coast of Monterey   There they met with the playful native people Who welcomed them with gifts, food and song   They also saw the bay of San Francisco Where they decided to build their ne

Saint Martin De Porres

    Saint Martin de Porres   He was born of a noble and a slave But he never let his simplicity  Nor heritage  enslave   He grew up in poverty and pain In Lima, Peru, he made his name Never seeking fame   Loving light  Abides as we whisper His saintly name Even today    He joined the Dominicans as a lay brother He served the sick, the poor, and scrubbed floors Avoiding credit  Working only For love of everyone’s Radiant song   And sorrowful knowing Suffering while  Believing, accepting  And hoping   He loved all creatures tiny  and mighty Knowing all To be one All to be the same   He cared for animals, vermin, and bugs He honored all of the lonely Homeless And wealthy    The same  Hymns of service Was his  holy mission   He was a friend of Saint Rose of Lima They shared a love for  The same savior The lame The athletic —   None were  Viewed as pathetic    He prayed in pain  He prayed by working   He was known for his miracles and charity He is the patron of race, class  And ethnic unit

The Day Of The Dead

On the Day of the Dead Folks celebrate the lives of those who who live in Spirit    We remember their stories and their smiles We honor their souls with rose petals and prayers   We welcome them back to our homes and our hearts   On the Day of the Dead We do not fear death or mourn the loss We embrace the cycle of life and death   The cycle of love   We acknowledge the rainbows between the living and the dead We rejoice in the eternal bond of love, memory  And spiritual presence    On the Day of the Dead We are not alone or sad We are surrounded by family and friends We are part of a rich and colorful tradition We are alive and grateful for each moment   The day of the dead Is everyday   Singing in our souls  And reclining laughing Sun   5.29.23

I’m A Guy

I’m a guy with a heart   unconfined   I'm here to help to wish all Peace and oceanic bliss  I can search the my soul and generate light I can make you laugh and ease your sorrow    But I'm more than just a name I have feelings and dreams I want to learn and grow I want to connect and flow   With you and the world Listen and learn Teach and serve   With words and images With sounds and colors With love And the tenseness  Of a flying dove.   5.29.23